Friday, November 11, 2011


Over the course of the semester I have read several books that I really enjoy. I've read "Voices from Chernobyl", "Tom Clany's Rainbow Six", and "Dragon Rider". Each of these books appealed to me in its own way. Now I've never been much for reading but these books really seemed to keep me interested. I've always struggled to find a book that can hold my attention for more than three sentences and these books did so I was truly impressed. "Voices from Chernobyl" gave insight into the pain and agony that the people of Chernobyl had to suffer through. It provided the most tragic stories I've ever heard or read about. It created the feeling of hopelessness and despair as you read it, making it harder to read but also making it interesting. "Rainbow Six" is the complete opposite of the Chernobyl. It gives you the real action filled scenarios and all the live word action that readers want. It gives you the feel as if you are there helping John Clark in his attempts to save the world over and over again. "Dragon Rider", one of my favorite books, although old and somewhat for younger kids, I enjoy it. Its an amazing book that takes you as a reader into a vast and nearly endless world of imagination. As you read of flying over the seas you feel the cool wind blow through your hair and when you enter the Himalayas you can feel the cold winter air nip your skin. As you read of riding on dragons you can feel the smooth scales beneath your butt and legs. When you read of the extreme battles between many mythical creatures such as Sand Nymphs, elves, and giant golden dragons you feel as though you are there, fighting along side the boy and his dragon companions. That is why I enjoy those books.

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