Friday, September 30, 2011

Voices of the Past

Another week has gone as I continue to read Voices of Chernobyl, and it only seems to get more and more depressing. Each day I read about another persons' experience through the Chernobyl accident. Each one more saddening. One that really stood out to me was a monologue of a group of hunters who were forced back into the Zone (Chernobyl) to kill all of the household pets and any livestock that was left alive. These hunters questioned why they were the ones that had to do it and the government simply told them it was because they had been there once before and they weren't going to send irradiated people into the Zone. The hunters told separate smaller stories of experiences in the Zone. One of the stories a hunter continued to come back to was when he had to walk into an abandoned home to find a mother dog nursing her young. He ended up shooting all of them. One of the dogs which he stated to be a black poodle managed to survive. They threw all the dead animals into a dumpster and burred them all in a giant hole. That black poodle attempted to climb out of the hole and not a single hunter had a bullet to end its pain. 30 hunters not 1 bullet. The dog got burred alive... 


Books: Voices of Chernobyl, Rainbow Six
Pages: 165

Sentences of the Week:

1.) "The enemy is invisible, and he's everywhere. This is evil in a new guise."
2.) "The world has been split in two: there's us, the Chernobylites, and then there's you, the others."
3.) "You only live once," "If we're going to die, let's do it to music."

All three of these sentences are from Voices of Chernobyl, and I like these sentences because in their own way each and everyone of them has a sad story behind them. These sentences along with the rest of the book are extremely heart-breaking to read and think about. All the pain and suffering of those innocent people that live in Chernobyl. Their whole lives stripped from them within moments.

Monday, September 26, 2011


So I've been reading Voices from Chernobyl and let me just say its quite depressing. When I began reading the book I thought I was in the first chapter when in fact I was only in the prologue. As I read the prologue it was so saddening and depressing that I nearly dropped the book right then and there. The prologue was from one of the survivors of the Chernobyl accident and she talked of her husband and what happened that night and the 14 days after. It all started when her husband got called to the reactor thinking it was only just a fire. Her husband and several other fireman all went on the call. None of them took protective gear as they thought it would be just an ordinary fire. When they arrived at the reactor they had already started to soak up radiation. They were there for hours trying to put the fire out. 400 levels of radiation is lethal to a human being. Her husband came out of the reactor with 1600 rads. He came out a living reactor. All of the men who were at the reactor were taken to a hospital where they were kept from anyone and everyone to try and contain the large amount of radiation they had absorbed. The wives of all these men were going chaotic in worry as the military would not allow them to see their husbands. The men were taken to Moscow where they were contained in a hospital of their own. She went to Moscow to find her husband. When she finally found him after asking a guard who was shocked to see that she knew about the radiation patients she found that her husband's skin was all puffed up and he looked like a balloon. He warned her to keep her distance as did the nurses. The doctors would not allow her to stay with him for the night so she went and spent the day with his parents. She came back the next day and saw that his skin had shrunk back to somewhat normal. He looked as though we was a burn victim. The warden questioned her before she was allowed to see him. "Do you have any children?" She had to say yes, but she had to say she had more than one or they wouldn't let her see him. "Yes a boy and a girl," she replied. The warden allows her to visit her husband. The doctors say that when a patient has absorbed this many rads  they have a maximum of 14 days to live. She spends those days at his side as much as possible. She watches as her husband's skin slowly decays before her very eyes. His skin begins to soften to the point where she must cut her nails down until she bleeds so she doesn't cut him. His skin begins to tear and bleed from simple things such as the folds in the bed sheets. She holds his hand while he sleeps and when he releases his hand there is skin left on her hand that doesn't belong to her. Her husband goes through excruciating pain as he deteriorates more and more everyday. He screams her name every time she is not there. She lacks so much sleep that her legs turn blue and she can barely walk. When she finally thinks she has a break she goes to her room and lays down on the floor because its too painful to lay on the bed. After only moments a nurse comes in and beckons her to go to him as he calls her name vigorously. The other fireman that are family friends of  her and her husband are slowly dying as well and when the wives of those firemen ask her to attend the funeral she agrees. She comes back from the funeral and asks the nurse how hes doing and she replies "He died fifteen minutes ago." She bursts into tears and his last words were him calling her name. They bury him in a lead coffin and deeper in the ground than normal. She was pregnant all the entire time she was with him. While she visits his grave one afternoon she goes into labor. The baby arrives right there at his grave. Due to the large amount of radiation the baby absorbed it dies 2 hours later. She blames herself for killing the child. She was saved because the baby took all the radiation. Only after 6 years could she allow herself to remarry and have a healthy child. The child now attends school and gets good grades. She is happy but forever sad.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Claims of the day

1.) The Average Life of a Teenage bookworm: In this flash mob by Todrick Hall, the mischievous and adventurous expressions, jubilant sounds, and bustling moves, show the explosive creativity and confident energy of the dancers.
2.) Keep it Classy: In the "So Long, Farewell" musical number of the Sound of Music, the Von Trapp children's bright  facial expressions, poised choreography, and cooing, melodic music develops the sense of lighthearted pleasure and soothing amusement.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Gene Kelly's Good Morning

Setting: elegant, exquisite, beautiful, navy
Style: extraordinary, exciting, exuberant, explosive
Attire: Delicate, Succeeding, brisk, original
Emotion: friendly, excitement, frantic, hysterical

In Gene Kelly's "Good Morning" [an elegantly exquisite setting and excitingly exuberant style is] conveyed [through the delicate, and brisk attire and the frantic yet hysterical emotion of the actors.]

Friday, September 16, 2011


Rainbow Six: 154

Sentences of the week
1. "I know, he was pointing a gun at you and that's why he got himself killed."
This sentence came right after Sergent Chavez killed someone and he then had to suffer the anxiety of such an action. He had to continuously remind himself that he had no choice but to pull the trigger or lose his own life.

2. "Bear, this is Five," Stanley's voice came back to Malloy's surprise. "Lift off and orbit the local hospital that is the site of the incident."
This sentence was the leader into the event of Mrs. Clark (Johns wife) and Mrs. Chavez being held hostage. Everything became frantic when the soldiers heard that the wives of two of the best operatives had been taken hostage. All that could possibly be running through the soldiers heads is "All hell is about to break loose."

Thursday, September 8, 2011

That Friday

I have taken the personality test and scored as a ESTJ which seemed accurate enough. Not sure as to what I was supposed to find out about myself from the test but hey now I know im a ESTJ right?


Rainbow Six: 117 pages
Rules for my Unborn Son: 73
Total Pages: 658

Sentences of the week: "Courage is not the lack of fear, it is acting in spite of it."
"Never be the last one in the pool."

These sentences are a few that I like because I have been told for years now to face your fears and drive yourself farther with the adrenaline and power you gain from the sensation of facing a challenge. Being last in the pool in my opinion is my job and mine alone...all who are out of the better get back in.

Back to the war...

I found Rainbow Six in my room the other night and started to read it again. I began to recall that John Clark had just dealt with the whole hijacking situation and thought him and his wife were off to vacation. As I read I learned that John's hopes of being off duty for a while were all but real. Not long after John and his wife were safely in London on vacation John was summoned to work once again. He was faced with a crisis occurring in the northern region of South Korea. Sadly his wife would have to worry of his safety once again and as always, wonder if he will return to her on his feet. Within the next day he was flown out of London to South Korea. On the plane he ran into his good friend and former partner Alistair. John found that Alistair had been assigned to the  same mission and they would once again be working together. When they arrived in Korea they were immediately debriefed on the situation between a small North Korean rebellion group and a conflicting South Korean village. The village was under almost nightly raids by the group of rebellions and they were now calling for assistance with the problem. The military requested a small task force to make the problem end quickly and quietly and thus John and Alistair were now in Korea. Alistair and John had just began their journey through Korea to find a place to counter the rebels when I was rudely interrupted by my mother and had to drop the book.


Rules of my Unborn Son: 159
Total Pages: 468

Sentences of the week: "Make a Rock and Roll Pilgrimage." - I so want to do this when I'm older
                                    "Always meet your date at the door." - shows good quality in a man which is hard to find these days.

Rules for my Unborn Son

I have thus found another rule that I believe should be followed by all men of quality. The rule is "Offer to carry a woman's bags. Especially your mother's." I have noticed that in this day and age men and women of all sorts have lowered their standards from what they used to be to compensate for the lack of quality seeping from both genders. Personally I believe that we should all return to the old days where all men and women have high standards and always show excellent quality.

Rules for my Unborn Son

I have continued to read the rules written on the pages of Rules for my Unborn Son and I have found another that I believe, for me at least, to be something I would like to pursue in the future. The rule just so happens to be "Live in New York." Conveniently I have been to New York the summer before last and will be going again this Christmas break to visit friends. The climate of New York is perfect for me I mean 4 feet of snow? Sounds pathetic to me.

Rules for my Unborn Son

Through the continued reading of Rules for my Unborn Son I have come across a quote that I may just begin to base my life of off. The quote is "Choose your corner, pick away at it carefully, intensely, and to the best of your ability, and that way you might change the world." - Charles Eames

When I read that quote I sat and read it over and over until I could figure out what Corner I had chosen. I believe this quote is exceptional in meaning and should be followed by all those who wish to achieve their life goals. Believe in yourself and all is possible.

Rules for my Unborn Son

Although I was very into Rainbow Six I forgot to bring my book one of the days this week and I ended up picking up Rules for my Unborn Son. A lot of the suggestion it gives as rules are quite interesting. For instance the rule "Stand up for the Little Guy" is something I can relate to in my own life. One of my good friends didn't exactly get the tall genes so I try to stick up for him when I can, although he really doesn't need any help with that.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Reading Update

Books read: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six
Pages read: 306, 156 pages last week

Sentence of the week: "These guys are'nt only amateurs, they are complete idiots."
I got a laugh out of this for some reason.