Friday, September 30, 2011

Voices of the Past

Another week has gone as I continue to read Voices of Chernobyl, and it only seems to get more and more depressing. Each day I read about another persons' experience through the Chernobyl accident. Each one more saddening. One that really stood out to me was a monologue of a group of hunters who were forced back into the Zone (Chernobyl) to kill all of the household pets and any livestock that was left alive. These hunters questioned why they were the ones that had to do it and the government simply told them it was because they had been there once before and they weren't going to send irradiated people into the Zone. The hunters told separate smaller stories of experiences in the Zone. One of the stories a hunter continued to come back to was when he had to walk into an abandoned home to find a mother dog nursing her young. He ended up shooting all of them. One of the dogs which he stated to be a black poodle managed to survive. They threw all the dead animals into a dumpster and burred them all in a giant hole. That black poodle attempted to climb out of the hole and not a single hunter had a bullet to end its pain. 30 hunters not 1 bullet. The dog got burred alive... 

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