Friday, September 16, 2011


Rainbow Six: 154

Sentences of the week
1. "I know, he was pointing a gun at you and that's why he got himself killed."
This sentence came right after Sergent Chavez killed someone and he then had to suffer the anxiety of such an action. He had to continuously remind himself that he had no choice but to pull the trigger or lose his own life.

2. "Bear, this is Five," Stanley's voice came back to Malloy's surprise. "Lift off and orbit the local hospital that is the site of the incident."
This sentence was the leader into the event of Mrs. Clark (Johns wife) and Mrs. Chavez being held hostage. Everything became frantic when the soldiers heard that the wives of two of the best operatives had been taken hostage. All that could possibly be running through the soldiers heads is "All hell is about to break loose."

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